Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Daddy Parenting Solutions

I was feeling a bit under the weather so Jared took the kids with him to buy a new pair of hiking boots and run a few other errands.

Let me give you just a minute for that to sink in.

I won't even go shoe shopping with that many kids. It is a royal circus trying on shoes and chasing 5 kids going in 5 different directions. I didn't mention that to Jared as he walked out the door because even sick, I'm no dummy.

The report given of their adventure together was the best medicine I could have gotten.

The kids did indeed run in many different directions. They also needed to use the bathroom, so Jared sent Tara (oh the differences between moms and dads) to help Amy go to the bathroom.


Amy who is only 2 and was wearing a PULL-UP!

Anyway as Tara tells it she tried to get Amy on the toilet, unsuccessfully, and Amy peed all over her pull-up. Which Amy then refused to put back on. Tara tried her 8 yr old best to fix the situation, but finally in frustration left Amy naked from the waist down playing in the sink water while Tara consulted her dad for help. His suggestion, "Just tell her to put her pants on and let's go."

So THAT is why she came home with no panties.

I told Tara I was proud of her for helping Amy and Daddy. She said, "yeah but it was really embarrassing especially when the grown ups kept staring at us."


Elsha said...

That is great:)

emblair said...

Too funny. And you know the grown ups staring were thinking, "Where is their MOMMY?!"

Brooke said...

That is pretty much the funniest thing I've ever read in my life...partially because I know every one in the story and partially because I imagined doing that to my husband...thank you so much for the laugh!

Steph said...

That is so funny!

Sarah said...

Awww, poor Tara. Aren't men wonderful? I love their parenting methods. I have to hide my laughter from Matt. In some cases, it hurts his feelings. LOL This is a cute story.

Brimaca said...

Yeah. I've lived this. Not this exact situation of course. But similar.

Carrie said...

I can't imagine walking in on that in the restroom! Hysterical!

Tyson and Steph said...

There is a reason we are the mommies. That's awesome! Tara was so cute to help out like that.

Becky Shuler said...

Thanks for a good chuckle! Hilarious!

Daniel said...

Is it wrong of me to not see any problem with this? I guess it's that I'm the only guy to make a comment(and probably the only one without kids) but I think that Tara probably would have done a better job than I would have in that situation. So kudos to her. My suggestion would have been the same as Jared's.

Megs said...

I always feel bad for Emma when I send Jeron with all the kids. I think there is something in the brain of my husband that thinks "Oh, Emma, she can replace Megan. No problems." There is a huge difference between Emma and I. Someday he will realize it. I feel for Tara. Are you feeling better?