Tuesday, September 29, 2009


We like to watch Nature on PBS as a family. We learn about animals and places that we'll probably never be able to see in person.

It has some real advantages like teaching our kids the reason why salmon die after their upstream journey, you know really important stuff.

There are a few disadvantages too like the fact that Amy is convinced that zebras live in TVs.


Julie said...

Oh, just think of how excited she'll be the first time you take her to the zoo!

Carrie said...

Funny! I thought you were going to say that now they know how babies are made. I hate it when they get to that part in the nature shows.

Megs said...

I think it is time to go to the zoo. I hate the zoo though. UGH! I know I am a bad Mom but I HATE the zoo. Good thing it is your kid that needs the help not mine.

Brooke said...

If only we lived closer to a zoo, a little reality would do her some good! :)

Steph said...

Just take her to the zoo. She will discover that they live in zoos and in the TV!

emblair said...

You mean they don't? :)

HOOVER said...
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