Monday, October 5, 2009

Some things never change

Bowling is fun. I always have a good time when I go, but I'm always the worst player, always.

We took the family bowling Friday night (changing up the whole family movie night with family bowling night). I thought for sure when pitted against an 8 yr old, a 6 yr old, a 4 yr old and a 2 yr old I would smoke them.



Me: 64 (I'm proud of that so stop laughing...I've bowled 34 before so this is an improvement)
Tara: 68
Eric: 77
Ian/Amy: 84
Jared: too good to show his score

Next time I'm bowling on the bumper guard lane. Maybe then I'll beat Tara or if I allow myself to dream big...Ian and Amy.

Best quote of the night goes to Tara who said, "this is so much easier on the Wii."


Sarah said...

What a fun night! If it makes you feel any better, I ALWAYS use the bumper lane and I still have a low score. So, I am proud of your score! Way to go! =c)

Carrie said...

Maybe you and I should bowl together!

Elsha said...

I am a TERRIBLE bowler, and for some reason I always get worse as the game goes on! You would think I could get warmed up and bowl better, but no.

Daniel said...

84 for Ian and Amy? That is talent. Laura (wife) refuses to go bowling because she sticks so bad. She would definitely give you a run for your money. And I'd be pretty competitive with Ian.

Bethany Thompson said...

you should have taking bowling as your PE credit in high school... yes it was offered and yes i took it... awesome!!!

Christina said...

Mike never lets me use the bumpers.

You're a brave mama to take all those kids to bowling alley. Did anyone slip on the lanes?

Brimaca said...

You mean there is something you are not good at!!!!??? I never thought I'd see the day.

Steph said...

And that, my dear, is where Tara got her fever! Those balls are so gross!
I am a terrible bowler, too. Maybe you and I should have a little competition. I always fall. How embarassing!

Katie said...

I'm sure I would have a comparable score to yours! Great job in my book!

That Janie Girl said...

Sounds like fun!!!

Becky Shuler said...

Don't worry Laura. I'm probably worse at bowling than you! I think it is great that you guys got out for family night and did something fun together!

emblair said...

I think my best bowling score (which isn't saying much) came from a work team building game when I was pregnant. 8 months pregnant to be exact. Go figure!

Megs said...

I love the quote of the night. It is easier on the Wii. I can get a good score. It must be a Meads thing cause I can't bowl worth beans. I feel your pain.