Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Argue? We never argue...

We had a discussion tonight. The kind that moves out of the kitchen and into the bedroom and then the door closes, but everyone can still hear what the discussion is about. Yeah, that kind.

After everything cooled down and I regained my composure, the fits of laughter came.

You know why?

Because I had just spent an hour of my life arguing with my husband about whether we should be using cash based accounting (because it is easier...my argument) or accrual based accounting (because it is more accurate...his argument).

I just realized that I'm even more of a dork than I originally thought. On the up side, I remember a little bit from my college education.

Please, I'm begging you not to show Jared this article. I'll never hear the end of it.


Tamara said...
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Tamara said...

Yep, that's a very 'geeky' and silly arguement. Brent and I like to argue about much more important, life altering subjects...as you know.

Christina said...

That's hilarious!

Brooke said...

Awesome! I wish our discussions had that much depth and bearing on our lives...in all reality we rarely discuss anything... :)

Danielle said...

Man you guys are geeks! :) But hey you are at least using the education. What makes me really laugh is that the arguement got moved to the bedroom. That is so funny!

Steph said...

To be a fly on the wall...

emblair said...

So sorry to say, but I think I'd have to side with Jared on that one. That's probably a first!

Katy said...

My husband is an accountant and we've had more than one disagreement about such geeky things! I usually give to his way though....after all, he IS the accountant!

Carrie said...

You need a husband who hands you the financial reigns and walks away. Ah, sweet bliss.

Camilla said...

at my house I do all the money and bills, even when i wish somedays cory would instead! i am not as geeky as you though so you must explain this to me further, i read the article but i still dont think i grasp the idea very well.

Mary Lampros said...

Still trying to figure out what accrual based accounting is, in between my giggles. Glad to hear other couples have "discussions"!