Monday morning we went to the orthopedics's office expecting to have Eric's arm set as we were instructed at the ER. The doctor we saw just didn't seem to answer any of our questions. It was frustrating. When he said he wanted to ask one of his "friends," I just kept thinking, "Phone a friend? This isn't Who Wants to be a Millionaire!" It was a mess. I knew that I didn't want this man working on my son.
So, we got a referral to a pediatric orthopedic surgeon's office in Lubbock. Wednesday morning we saw the specialist who ordered new x-rays to clarify the break. We wanted to know if the bones needed a simple reduction or a bigger fix. This is what we saw with the new xrays.
138 degrees. A straight line is 180 degrees, so off by 42 degrees, ouch.
We were told if we left it alone that he would have severe deformity and lose his ability to do simple things such as turn a door knob. So, with that as our option we chose surgery, the next morning. They put a titanium rod in each of the broken bones. Those rods will be removed in 4-6mos, so one more surgery to go.
Eric was a little nervous until we told him the mask he gets to breath into is like the ones fighter pilots wear. Then he was ready to go (especially when they told him he could keep his mask).
Eric did give us a scare when he experienced respiratory depression caused by morphine. He stopped breathing normally and started grunting and gasping. His nurse was on top of it though and did everything she was supposed to do, and Eric recovered nicely. My heart took a little longer...
Glad everything went so well! He looks so tiny in that bed. That cast is huge! He can do some serious damage with that thing. :)
Oh, what a brave little man! I cringe when I see the x-rays. OUCH!!!!
Glad you got a referral to someone who knew what was going on! Hope he's feeling better!
what a tough guy!
what a brave little boy! That had to hurt pretty bad! And a hard time for mom too! I am glad that you got into a better dr. Ever since i read your story i have been trying to convince my kids they dont need to jump of the couch anymore.... i think i would pass out if i saw my kids arm hanging like that! ( of course the boys are not listening to me but i try!)
I have been there enough to know just how your heart was feeling. I am so glad that all is well. Tough little guy. Surgery is not any fun.
I am so sorry that they had to do surgery, but I'm glad you found a good doctor. Hopefully it'll heal nicely and I'm sure the cast will be used as a weapon in no time!
Glad to see that everything turned out. Tell the big guy that we can compare scars next time I see him!
Poor little guy, I can't believe he had to go through so much (and more to come) just to fix his arm. I am glad to hear that the surgery went well. That is good news for sure. I hope he continues to heal well.
Surgery is definately a hard thing to go through. What a tough guy you have there! Let's just hope it won't happen too many more times, right? You guys are troopers!
Eric, Laura, and Jared, you were all brave during this ordeal. Good job keeping your cool, everyone! Eric you're the man!!
So glad you went with the new doc...wise choice! And Eric looks handsome...even with a mohawk in a hospital gown!
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