Thursday, August 6, 2009

Extracurricular activity

I heard a knock on the front door again and wondered what the kids needed this time. I'd already doled out popsicles, bandaids, and instructions on how to share. I opened the door to see the biggest kid on the street. Teenage Neighbor Boy (TNB) smiled and politely asked if I could do him a favor. I can't say no to anything, but I was a little concerned about what he might want. Since school hasn't started yet, I knew he wasn't soliciting for magazine subscriptions to earn money to go on a school choir trip. And just between you and me, I don't think school sponsored clubs are his type of extracurricular activity... (Can you picture me pretending to smoke a joint?)

Me: Well, what do you need?

TNB: I was wondering if you could take me to my girlfriend's house.

Me: Uhmm...

TNB: I got grounded from my truck so I need a ride.

Me: Well, I don't have enough seats in my car to take you anywhere. I'm sorry. (I'm using the I'm a responsible adult voice now.)

TNB: I know you have a van; you've got plenty of seats. (Oh really, we're gonna get an attitude?)

Me: Actually I have 7 seats and since I have 5 kids and I'm babysitting an extra 3 kids, I'm out of room. Sorry, I can't take you. (I've turned on the annoyed mom voice by this point)

I got a glazed look and the following response.

TNB: But I have to go to work at 4pm.

I guess I lost him at 7-(5+3+2)=-3.

And that my friends is why my kids will be in school sponsored extracurricular activities like Math Club. And why they won't be having a boy/girlfriend until they've left home, right? I'd be mortified if one of my neighbors was solicited to help my child meet up with their booty call.


Camilla said...

so what was it.. he needed to see his girlfriend or he needed to go to work? he should get his story strait! As a teen if i was grounded from driving i would have been mortified to go ask a neighbor for a ride! you have to give him a few points for nerve! I hope and pray my boys dont grow up and be like that. and if they do i hope no one gives them a ride either!! :)

Danielle said...

Oh my I would have die laughing! Right in his face too. Please tell me you have had some sort of interaction with this kid before. I can just imagine him going from door to door trying to bum a ride of someone. If you know his parents I would say something like "so did TNB ever find a ride to his girlfriends house" so that they know what their son is up to.

Elsha said...

That is too funny. I wonder if he ever found a ride?

Dianne said...

Oh yeah, I would have been all over that one, laughing and confronting his lame story and attitude...well on second thought maybe I wouldn't want my house and yard layered in toilet paper. Good for you in confounding the boy with second grade math! **BTW, I totally agree with the keep them busy AND out of the weed philosophy**

That Janie Girl said...

That was MY son!

(Not really...I just thought it was funny!)

Katie said...

oh, what a great laugh!

emblair said...

WOW...that's bold!

I think I've had a few YW phone calls like that in the past. "Sis. Blair, can you come pick me up and take me to such-and-such because my mom said no..." Do they seriously think we're gonna say yes?!

Steph said...

I am laughing so hard that I am afraid my incision might pop open. Talk about painfully funny!

Daniel said...

I had something similar happen too. I was at a youth joint activity and had this beehive come up and ask me if she could use my cell phone. I asked who she needed to call because i just saw her mom walking down the hall. She told me that she needed to call her boyfriend because she promised him that she would call but she didn't have a cell phone. She then proceeded to ask if my phone did picture messages...

Jaimie said...

That is too funny! I can't believe what some people will do.

Sarah said...

oh laura you slay me! the kid must have been pretty desperate to resort to asking his crazy neighbor lady. :D

The Stringers said...

That is hilarious!! I would have laughed to his face!! Of course, that might have gotten your house egged or something...

Sarah said...

Only somthing like this would happen to you, I am laughing so hard right now. I can't believe that kid had so much nerve to ask for a ride. Wow! I am pretty sure that your kids won't turn out like him. You have nothing to worry about. =c)

Julie said...

You are hilarious Laura. I'm not worried about your kids turning out anything like that!

Mary Lampros said...

What gall! That's so funny that he thought he actually had a chance with you...and eight kids along for the ride. What a doofus.