Thursday, July 30, 2009


Big week last week...

Do you have a friend that just gets you? You can be grouchy and goofy and totally yourself? If you don't, you should get one. Stephanie is mine. She's had a big week. Last Tuesday she found out that she had a tumor in her colon. Wednesday she learned it was cancerous. Thursday it hadn't reached the liver or lungs, and Friday had it removed. Then 4 days in the hospital and now recovering at home.

It is excruciating for me to watch and only be able to offer food, babysitting, company, and an occasional poorly timed joke (I'll probably never be good at jokes...) I really just wanted to make it all go away.

Then in the middle of all of that Eric broke his arm and required surgery. It was another whirl wind of doctors and hospitals. I'll post on that next.

I'm thankful that I still get to talk daily to my dear friend and that my baby boy is fixed. Most importantly I am thankful that my Heavenly Father gently guided me through the past 10 days...

Now, onward and upward.


Steph said...

We really should time our trials a little better...maybe not ALWAYS at the same time! Ha ha.
Thanks, Laura. I love you, too.

emblair said...

Lar, you are an amazing friend and mother....and sister too. :)

Carrie said...

Wow. I hope Stephanie's recovery goes well. What a scary ordeal.

And I've been flinching now every time Nate jumps of the couch. I've been unsuccesful in stopping him...

Brooke said...

I wish I had a friend like that...I wish I was a friend like that...

I need to work on that! I'm glad that she's on the mend, what an ordeal, and I'm sure that she was soooo glad to have you there for her, you're a great friend!

Sarah said...

Oh Laura, I am sorry to hear about your friend. My mother-in-law had colon cancer about 5 years ago. It is a scary thing. I am sorry you had such a busy week. I love your positive attitude and I know it will get you through. Your friend is very lucky to have someone like you. =c)