Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A little imagination goes a long way

Apparently one of the children decided to pretend my broom was a Firebolt. It just didn't have the umphf it needed to withstand their imagination.

Just to let you know, it is difficult to sweep with a broom that's 18 inches tall. I either have to sweep on my knees or bend over like I have a severe case of osteoporosis, neither one is very fun or comfortable. Therefore, I've turned the job over to Ian and Amy. They're just the right size, but don't look too closely at my floor, please.


Sarah said...

LOL...I love your blog. I love seeing what I have to look forward too. =c)

Tay said...

OMGosh, it's always something with these kiddos, isn't it?!! I'm grateful for your laugh-and-take-pictures example. It sure has helped me keep my sanity!

Tiffani and Nate said...

Try some duct tape - it works for everything!

Becky Shuler said...

Great idea to make them sweep...but then if anyone is coming over, you probably want to sweep up after them! Thankfully brooms aren't too expensive!

Steph said...

Is there anything off limits for kids? Jason and I just count on everything we own being broken at some point.

Julie said...

What is a firebolt?