Sunday, July 26, 2009


It was dinner time, and in our house that means chaos. The baby girls were at my feet as I worked in the kitchen, pulling on my legs, emptying drawers, and angry when I moved them away from the hot oven. The boys had all the couch cushions on the floor. Their fort destroyed in exchange for a make-shift trampoline/mosh pit/leaning tower of Pisa.

"Boys, you better knock it off or some one's gonna get hurt!" I yelled from the kitchen.

Then I heard it. A thud that means trouble. A cry that had never escaped his lips before. There on the floor was my baby boy cradling his arm, lips white, and face full of pain.

It took less than 2 minutes to make arrangements for the other 4 kids and get out the door. We were in the ER waiting room within 5 minutes and on a gurney receiving treatment in 15 minutes.

X-rays were excruciating and showed us what we already knew. Eric's arm was broken, both bones snapped.

Don't look at these if your stomach is squeamish. Remember, I warned you.

this is what his arm looked like when I scooped him up off the floor

a close up

miserable and doped-up on morphine

We find out Monday morning if they can set it in the office or if it will need surgery.

Eric said he would never jump off the arm rest of the couch and onto a stack of four cushions again. He did mention that three cushions would probably be ok...


Megs said...

It is amazing how in times of crisis things like four other kids get handled. I am glad you have a great support group. Tell Eric we are sending him hugs from Utah. Poor little guy. I am hoping we can avoid that day. Love you Laura.

Katie said...

poor little guy!!

Elsha said...

That is no fun! Hope he heals quickly!

Sarah said...

oh my gosh poor eric! i hope he feels better soon.

Sarah said...

Oh my goodness! I hope that he gets better soon. Poor little guy, who would have thought jumping off the couch could cause such a bad break? I hope everything is ok.

Jaimie said...

That poor guy, he looks so miserable in that last pic. I sure hope they won't have to do surgery to set it! Let me know what I can do to help, I will do whatever you need!!

Christina said...

How awful!

What is it with kids and couch cushions? I put those darn cushions BACK on the couch twenty times a day!

And kudos to you for not having a meltdown. How the heck do you stay so calm?

Katy said...

Oh Ow!

I hate to say it, but it reminds me of what they make broken arms look like on Harry Potter. Poor guy!

I'm with do you stay so calm??

The Stringers said...

So sorry!! Who would've thought you could break your arm so badly jumping onto cushions!

Becky Shuler said...

Get well soon, little buddy! Wow. What a break. I hope he is okay and this makes me think of when you were a kid, broke several bones and had a cast on quite often...!

Carrie said...

Ouch! Poor little guy! That looks painful!

Steph said...

Totally reminds me of Harry Potter!

emblair said...

At least now he can brag that he's had a Harry Potter many kids can say that?! Too bad he doesn't have any skelegrow to go along with it though, huh! Glad the surgery went well.