Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Missing Keys

I let Amy hold my keys while I was unloading kids and junk out of the car, and then she lost them.

Try asking a 2 year old where they put something.

But only if you:
1. speak fluent toddler-ese (mine's a bit rusty so there were some communication problems)
2. have extreme amounts of patience (plan on following the toddler around to several different ah-ha spots that are really just spots.)
3. don't really want to know where the missing item is.

I have a friend who says if you loose something you should clean until you find it. I tried bribery instead. It seemed like the easier route. I offered the "finder" a dollar and a fudgesicle. That is practically like a million dollars in our house.

Turns out the value of a dollar and ice cream isn't the same as it used to be. My keys were missing for 4 days before I found them.

I kept my dollar and ate a bowl of ice cream for my reward.

Update: I finally found my keys under the couch cushions (that I swear had been checked multiple times before), but only after I removed and sorted through every piece of trash in the kitchen trash can...YUCK!


Danielle said...

So where did they end up? Glad you found them.

Elsha said...

I have a set of spare keys for my work truck that I haven't seen since we moved into this house 2 years ago. Makes me especially careful with the other ones-- I'll have to remember to keep them away from Kalena.

emblair said...

So where'd you find them??

grammawood said...

You certainly deserved that bowl of ice cream! And like the others, I'm curious to know where you found them. I always keep a spare around, just in case. Once mine were missing for almost a month; we combed the store, looked everywhere. I thought I'd handed them to baby Danny to keep him happy in the grocery cart and that he'd dropped them. Imagine my chagrin when almost a month later I found them in my purse!

Mary Lampros said...

Loved your three rules. They apply to my efforts in trying to get Jacob to brush his teeth. If I just didn't care that his teeth were so dirty, it wouldn't bother me, but ugh! So sorry you had to look through the trash!

Megs said...

We have been playing hide and seek for EMmas DS all week. We also found it in the same couch I had taken all of the cushions off off. I was really upset with myself for not seeing it the first time.

Mel said...

I do this with sippy cups. It drives me CRAZY, especially in Miami, where milk curdles twice as fast in the heat and humidity. I think it's turned into this big game for Kyle...Where can I hide it next? Yesterday, I found his cup behind the printer, hidden on a back shelf somewhere. I think I should have had a bowl of ice cream to celebrate, too!

Jaimie said...

Good for you giving yourself a reward! You certainly deserve it after all the hard work you do :)