Thursday, February 26, 2009

Belated Birthday, Celebrated

Amy wasn't quite up to snuff, but close enough to open a couple of presents and eat cake.

She is still a bit confused

Opening presents is the best's a family affair....

I think she likes her gifts

Just a quick side note about the presents. We bought Amy that small baby doll. It is perfect for her to cart everywhere. It seemed like enough of a gift while I was wrestling 3 sick kids at Target. When we were well enough to celebrate, I felt sorry for the kid, but what to do? I went into Amy's room and dug under her bed for the Christmas present she had already opened, but we hadn't gotten around to doing yet and regifted it back to her. Nice, huh? Thanks Kristen for the Christmas/Birthday present which she really enjoys now that her slacker Mom took it out of the packaging!

Her cake...nothing fancy, just a heart.

the princess plates were her favorite part of the whole night.

Proof that her hair was done when the celebration started.

Love you Amy!


Danielle said...

Happy Birthday Amy! She has messy hair, Nicholas was covered in food, it's all good, right? Gotta love a toddler!

Jaimie said...

We are glad you finally got to celebrate! It's not fun being sick for your birthday! Happy Birthday!

emblair said...

Happy Birthday, sweet Amy!! Glad you're finally feeling better. :)

Brimaca said...

Still a little sick huh. Sheesh poor girl. Happy b-day and wishes for getting better!

Megs said...

Sounds like birhtday's at our house right now. We celebrated JJ's yesterday he started out okay but by the end of the day he had a fever, aches, and chills.

Tell Amy Happy Birthday again. Also, re-gifting is the best for little kids. Woundn't recommend it on the older ones. They aren't so forgiving.