Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Officially Thirty-Something.

I have never had a hard time with my birthdays. People are supposed to get older. I'd rather be older than dead. However, being lumped in the thirty-something crowd, realizing I have wrinkles on my forehead, (Where the heck did those come from? Jaimie if you even think about reminding me that the you-better-stop-that-face I make at my kids has consequences for me...) and the fact that I have gray hair (thanks Dad) have made me more understanding of the birthday blues.

You know how to get out of the birthday blues?

Get invited to a Family Home Evening which is actually your birthday party incognito. (I can't believe I finally got to use that word in context!)

Check out our FHE activity hosted by the wonderful Stephanie. If you need a stress reliever take a whack at a pinata. You get to beat the tar out of something and as a reward you get to have candy!

Do it even if you have a baby strapped to your chest.

the wind up...it is surprisingly awkward to swing a bat while wearing the baby

A swing and a hit

I am really, really, really grateful for good friends who sent happy wishes, watched my kids, gave presents, and made my family dinner. I have awesome friends.

Love you guys, even if I'm 31.


Brimaca said...

I can't believe i missed your birthday. That is what happens when I am not in relief society. I forget to pick up a paper and miss birthdays. Bad visiting teacher. Bad.

Brimaca said...

Happy Belated B-day!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy bday!!! It's always nice to not be the oldest in-law!!! Have a great day, what's left of it!! Make sure you eat a bowl of ice cream!!

Katie said...

Happy Birthday!!!

Danielle said...

Ok I feel like a total dope! Sorry I totally spaced your birthday. For some reason I was thinking it was in the middle of the month. Well better late than never and now I am going to put it in my calendar so I don't forget it next year.

Sarah said...

Happy Birthday! I love the pictures of you and the pinata. It looks like Kyra was having a lot of fun. LOL Oh and your cake looks really yummy. Dirt cake is my favorite. I am glad you had such a fun birthday.

Brooke said...

It looks like a fun night, I hope that you really enjoyed your birthday.

Elsha said...

Happy birthday! Looks like you're never too old for a pinata!

Dianne said...

Happy Birthday!!! I say we should wear our 30s with pride! We are WAAAY smarter than we were in our 20s, we have more confidence (yes, even in our parenting abilities), we still look pretty darn good and those little wrinkles are just "wise lines" or "wise guys lines" depending on how you look at it. LOL I'm glad you had a good day. hmmmm....I'm suddenly inspired to get a pinata...

Ashleigh said...

happy, happy birthday laura dear, happy days will come to you all year. if i had a wish, than it would be... a happy happy birthday to you from me! :D

Megs said...

Oh to be thirty one again. I would have less grey hair and wrinkles. There did that make it better. I am older than you.

Catherine said...

Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had fun and have some great friends. Love you!

Andy and Adrienne Bass said...

Happy Birthday! You look cute smacking the pinata with the baby attached! I know how awkward it is getting them in and out of those things. Best to just leave 'em in!

emblair said...

How fun, Lar! You have wonderful friends. Wish I could have been there to join in the fun...and to take a swing at the pinata or steal a bite of the dirt cake! Hey, how did you like your little book?