Friday, July 1, 2011

Rough Couple of Days

We have clutzy kids. I'm not surprised because, well, I'm their mom. No one has ever accused me of being graceful, and I've had my fair share of war wounds.

Our first event was last night. Kyra was on the wrong end of Ian swinging a golf club. Ian felt terrible...worse than Kyra. Kyra didn't like the blood at all and there was a lot of it. She kept saying between sobs, "my face is broken, my face is broken." The doctor opted for dermaglue to reduce the scarring, and Kyra was a great patient. The funny thing was that her tears made the glue change color. It was clear before she cried and then changed to white...

you can't see it, but there is a cut on her eyelid too
and the black eye 2 days later was spectacular

Then this morning Ian tried walking through the grocery store with his hands AND legs tucked into his shirt, lost his balance, and landed head first on the cement floor. He's sporting a goose-egg the size of a fifty cent piece. On the bright side, we were in the cold food section, so there was easy access to an ice pack. I just added some lil smokies to the shopping list and wa-la, ice pack and lunch!

Seriously that bump is huge!

As soon as we got home from the grocery store, Kyra went to the piano to play. She hopped off the bench and in the process bit through her lip. Things come in threes, so we are good for a while.

Funny story, a day or two after the fall-on-your-face fiasco, Ian was acting up. I flicked his forehead and accidentally got his owie. I know, I know. It was terrible and really not funny, but on the up side I have now decided that flicking isn't an appropriate punishment.


Stacey said...

OUCH!!! Goodness what wounds your kiddos have collected the summer.

Elsha said...

Yikes! Sounds like your house is a dangerous place ;)

Tamara said...

poor kiddos! :(

Megs said...

Poor kids. Her little cheek looks painful. And goose eggs are always yikers. As for flicking, hmmmm, I still enjoy a good flick now and then. Just hold back until goose eggs heal. ;)

emblair said...

My face is broken..... I like that one.

Brimaca said...

Mr. M has been soooo mouthy around here lately I finally flicked his mouth several times one day. It's terrible but I couldn't find anything else that worked. Hopefully it's over. I always feel bad. I keep picturing Ian walking in the store and I crack up every time! Not over the fall of course, but over the actual walking.