Tuesday, July 12, 2011


We haven't had rain here in so long. To be specific, we've had .18 of an inch since Sept of 2010. Crazy, huh.

We had a tiny 10 minute drizzle today. The kids were watching a movie and suddenly the sound on the sky lights started...the sound of rain. The movie was forgotten and all of us, yes even me, ran to see rain. We forgot what it looked like.

The kids enjoyed jumping

and swinging in the rain.

There was even some singing. It went like this, "rain, rain, don't go away. Come again everyday."

P.S. I am so, so thankful to have our driveway clear of the chalk that has been on the driveway since April!


wigglerbug said...

When we first lived in Midland we went through a similar drought. I remember getting in the car and driving to a small rain shower about a mile away from our house just to hear the rain on the windshield.

Megs said...

I am glad you got some rain. THere is nothing in nature that I love more than rain. I hope you guys get a lot more.

emblair said...

We have a very similar song at our house. Even when we're not in a drought.