Thursday, June 30, 2011

Milk! It Does a Body Good.

This month I have purchased 21 gallons of milk.
It's a short month and we've been out of town, and still 21!
We only have 1 left in the fridge.
I don't even have teenagers yet.
Can you imagine?!
I'm gonna need a second fridge just for milk!


Elsha said...

As you know, there are five kids in my family and my mom said she always counted on going through a gallon of milk PER DAY. She said if everyone had cereal we'd go through a whole gallon at breakfast.

Mardi said...

That's impressive. I don't remember how much we went through growing up, but I know there were 6 gallons in the fridge at any given time...course we lived 45 miles from a grocery store, but still. :)

Megs said...

I can't get my girls to touch the stuff. At my house growing up that is all we drank. Not my girls, water or juice is all.

Delcie said...

Yes, you definitely will need another fridge. We finally got a second one and milk was the main reason. I got so tired of going to the store every other day to buy milk! Welcome to milk madness!

Rachel said...

Maybe you should consider getting a cow? ;-)