Friday, June 3, 2011

Shot guns

A few weeks ago Jared took my dad and I clay pigeon shooting. Doesn't it look like he knows what he is doing?

And him too. He looks like he can handle that gun.

Now look at my picture.

I had never shot a shot gun before and Jared's is a 12 gauge. He assured me that the kick isn't that bad. I assumed he was telling the truth. I walked up to my spot, put the gun to my shoulder, aimed at that clay pigeon, and pulled the trigger. That is when I learned that my husband is either a liar or much, much better at this whole shooting thing then I thought. The gun kicked me so hard I actually stumbled into the wall behind me and hit my head. Yep, I'm that graceful.

It hurt so bad to shoot that dumb gun. I shot 3 times and declared I was done. Then it would be my turn again and I couldn't bear not to to take it. I hate quitters. So, I would shoot again and it would hurt and I would shoot it again and it would hurt, repeat 20 times. I only hit 2 dumb clays the whole time and got a huge bruise in return.

We left the range and I told Jared he needed to buy a 20 gauge if he ever wanted me to go with him again. Wait! Maybe that's why he wanted me to go shooting with he has permission to buy another gun... Sneaky, Jared. Sneaky.


Brooke said...

K, but that being said, you're still going to go shoot 9mm with us, right? :)

Stacey said...

ouch, but sounds kinda fun!

larshannon said...
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Jaimie said...

That is really sneaky! He's the devil in disguise!! :) haha I hope the bruise heals fast, especially with all the swimming you need to do :)

Becky Shuler said...

Hope your bruise heals up okay...and I think that is sneaky. I can't believe he didn't warn you about the gun kick! ouch!

Dianne said...

Sounds like something my husband would do...wait...he did. I hope he's given you some pointers on how to hold the gun so it doesn't bruise when it kicks. Boys....

larshannon said...

Brooke, I'll shoot 9mm all day long. Those are fun!

Sarah said...

Very are such a sport to continue to do it.

Brimaca said...

He is sneaky!