Thursday, June 2, 2011

Keeks' Cut

We were working on homework in the living room. Eric was so close to figuring out a problem he just wasn't getting. I got that feeling to check on the little girls and I said to myself, "I'll go as soon as Eric figures this out." It took about 2 more minutes before Eric had his ah-ha moment.

Just as he figured it out, Kyra came walking up to me and said, "Mom, Amy did my hair done." Oh boy did she. Kyra's hair had been in a bun and Amy cut all the pieces that had fallen out. I was so mad at myself for ignoring my little prompting that could have saved so much frustration and anger.

bangs to your ear...the new style at the Shannon house

really, who needs those side pieces anyway?

This is the part that kills me.
Why snip to the scalp in the middle of the head?
It'll get worse before it gets better.
When those pieces are an inch or two long, they will stick straight up.

She doesn't seem to mind the new do.

Proof that I didn't handle this well.
She did lovingly remind me (after the tears stopped)
"all Kyra has to do for her hair to grow is eat meat."

Amy, dear, please, please stop using scissors on hair. Any hair. I don't care if it is you, your sister, or the stuffed horse. Just don't do it. I don't think my patience is capable of handling another fiasco involving scissors and hair. For the emotional well-being of your mother I have removed all scissors from the house. Before I just locked them up, but apparently that isn't good enough. Your older siblings will just have to tear paper for school projects instead of cut it. Mosaics are in, right?


Mardi said...

Yes, when the hairs are 1 inch tall and standing straight up, she might start to mind the new "do." It's a good thing I don't have any girls yet. Eli came in the kitchen the other day to get a bib. A few minutes later I wondered what was going I checked. He had already cut his hair to the scalp in some places and was cutting Tate's. At least he put a bib on him. :)

Daniel said...

Oh Amy...when will she ever learn. One day your girls will all have beautiful, normal hair at the same time! Until that time, I will pray for your sanity.

Elsha said...

Oh no! Sounds like no scissors is the way to go.

Becky Shuler said...

Oh Laura! I'm so sorry! What is it about our four year olds and cutting hair all the time? I found a handful of blonde hair on the floor the other day next to my very sharp scrapbook scissors. I asked Juliette if she had cut her hair again and she said no. She finally told me that she cut Rapunzel's hair because it was "too long and getting messy." A few weeks back, she got gum stuck in her hair and cut it off to the scalp, right in the front and middle. And it does stick right up sometimes, no matter what! CRAZY! Good idea to lock up all the scissors!!

Sarah said...

I am so sorry for you. You have more patience than I ever would. I think throwing out all of the scissors was a good idea. Mosaics are totally in. LOL

Stacey said...

I agree with throwing out the scissors! I have to say you are a master at making your girls hair look decent!

grammawood said...

Ah! It looks like you need to enroll Amy in a cosmetology class pronto! Then, some day you'll be asking her to cut your hair.