Monday, June 6, 2011

Field Day

You can't end a school year without Field Day. This year our school did a "Minute to Win it" version of field day. I'm not sure I would recommend it to others, but you know it was trendy. I missed watching the kids run relays and have a tug of war, etc.

Stacking Plates, what concentration

I don't know what the point of this was....

Sorting handed. What a show-off

Of course the highlight of the whole day is getting a snow cone with a best friend.

Especially if your best friend is your sister


Elsha said...

I love that last picture. It is my favorite to watch Kalena share with Will.

Tamara said...

awww...I love those last 2 lines :) That's it! Brynlynn needs a sister.

grammawood said...

It looks like your school must have collected aluminum cans and just wanted to use them before they turned them in.