Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Can you do this?

"Why do you do that Kyra?" I asked.

Cuz mine boogers need a kweenex.

It is an important skill to have. Good thing I passed that on to her.


Anonymous said...

After we saw your kids do that, my girls have been trying to..they can't!

Stacey said...


Megs said...

I totally remember you doing that when we were younger and I was jealous of that mad skill;)

Mary Lampros said...

I inherited that skill as well but my kids can't do it. Look, she got your eyes too!

Sarah said...

LOL...this is so sweet.

Brimaca said...

I'm excited I finally get to read your blog. I'm behind seven posts. I love your blog so this should be interesting. :)

grammawood said...

Yup, it's inherited; I can do it, but I didn't realize you could. Way to go.

emblair said...

Mad skillz, Lar. Mad skillz!