Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ian's Birthday

Ian just had his 6th birthday. One of the qualities that I love about Ian is his charisma. He has never met someone that he hasn't won over in less than 5 minutes. It is amazing to watch him work a crowd. He can get people to do what he wants. I pray daily that he can use this power for good. On his birthday I took cupcakes to his class at school. He thought it would be funny to get icing all over his face. He did and then proceeded to show his classmates his face and how cool it was. Within 60 seconds the entire kindergarten class had shoved their faces into their cupcakes and were showing the results to Ian for approval. Heaven help us!

Ian had an oreo birthday cake. It was a dessert we tried with Tara's cooking club that turned out to be a keeper. The trick candles were a lot of fun too. Although I'm sure the cake was covered in Ian spit.

As always the best part was presents. His favorite present? The (synthetic) bird poop pellets that he could dissect to find bones of small rodents like moles and mice. How many boys get poop for their birthday? And it's their favorite gift! He was so excited to dissect the ball of poop and start assembling the bones. He waited dutifully through the singing of happy birthday and the eating of cake. I think he ate two bites of his cake before he snuck into the living room to start working.

He is concentrating so hard. He says he wants to be a paleontologist when he grows up. I guess this is good practice.


Elsha said...

How can Ian be SIX?! He's supposed to be like 3.

Also, I remember dissecting owl pellets in 5th grade (real ones.) It was pretty cool.

Megs said...

That is the coolest gift ever. Where did you find it???

emblair said...

Ian spit...I'm sure it just makes the cake that much yummier. :)