Monday, April 11, 2011

amy's hair

Remember when Amy cut her hair? Oh my goodness! She did a number. It's finally starting to grow out, but still looks mullety especially without the help of clips or a headband. She begs frequently to have ponytails like Kyra. We finally tried it out and it took a lot of rubber bands, but it worked. There is hope.


Elsha said...

That is so cute! I think I need to try that on Kalena's hair.

Cassie said...

whenever i see Kyra in all her hairbands i think "how on earth did she get that kid to stay still so long?" Claire will let me do 2... then its a fight for the rest.

Amy does look adorable.

Brooke said...

That's cute! Yay for hair that is long enough to do!

Sarah said...

She is beautiful!

The Stringers said...

Looks great! You always were good at fixing hair :) I still remember you french braiding my hair!

Anonymous said...

sooo cute! Glad its finally growing out!

Megs said...

That hair is darling.

Brimaca said...

I love doing hair like that! It looks so cute. I love Amy and her freckles too!

grammawood said...

So cute, she must've really wanted pigtails to stay still so long.