Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Party Central

It has been several days of feeling lousy. The kind of lousy that allows you to lose 5 lbs in 3 days. I've spent a lot of time in my bathroom with my door locked. I could hear the chaos and commotion, but I didn't care and even if I did, I couldn't have done anything about it. These things only happen when dad is out of town and on school holidays to maximize the amount of freedom the little people experience.

On the mend, finally, I did a survey of the house and among other things I found.
  • an unopened capri-sun shoved behind the curio cabinet
  • a tube of lip gloss smeared on the kitchen cupboards
  • at least a dozen half eaten apples strewn haphazardly
In those five minutes of surveying, I realized why parents should never, ever leave teenagers alone for a weekend.


grammawood said...

Oh! I hope you are feeling better.
And you are right. Never ever leave teenagers unattended!

Becky Shuler said...

Bless your heart! Get well soon! And good luck cleaning up the little messes I'm sure you will continue to find around the house...

emblair said...

Glad to hear you're finally on the mend. Sure wish I could have been there to help out. Maybe then you would have only found a few half eaten apples strewn around the house. ;)

Daniel said...

I had a roommate who loved to leave apple cores behind couches and on random shelves. I would take that over the half eaten bowls of cereal hidden under the couch or below the coffee table.

Sarah said...

Oh Laura, I am happy to hear that you are on the mend. I am so sorry to hear that you were so sick. Next time call my mama, seriously, she lives just around the corner.

Megs said...

I am sorry you were sick. I hate to hear what you found after those 5 minutes. My kids do that stuff while I am feeling well. I can't imagine the horror I would find if I was sick for a long time.