Friday, October 8, 2010

Candy Time

It is October which means it's time for candy. I love having stashes of candy, but really only have it this time of year. By this time of year I mean the sugar high that starts at Halloween and continues through Easter. It has its drawbacks though. Like this...

Ian: Mom. Tell me where that bag of candy is!

Me: No, you'll sneak into it all day long.

Ian: No, I won't I will never sneak into it.

Me: Yes, you will.

Ian: No. I promise I will never, ever sneak into the candy. I promise.

sounds of birds chirping
and me staring at Ian

Ian: Ok. Maybe I will.


Camilla said...

i love Ian. at least he was honest in the end!

Carrie said...

Ha! The truth comes out!

emblair said...

But only MAYBE, right?!

Megs said...

Okay that is cute. Of course he will sneak into it. I am having a hard time not sneaking into ours. I keep thinking only 1 kit Kat, who will notice.