Monday, October 25, 2010

Giant Candy Bar

Tara's best friends went to Pennsylvania for their summer vacation and came home with a birthday present for Tara. Makes me wonder how much their mom likes me...

Holy Cow!
What am I supposed to do with that much chocolate?

She is obviously thrilled with the gift.

Update: These pictures were taken 2 months ago. At least half of that candy bar is still left with Halloween quickly approaching.


Mardi said...

That's huge! I say melt it and make chocolate dipped strawberries and bananas -favorite treat of mine!

christina said...

Oh yeah. That mom *hates* you.


Megs said...

I guess you could always send me some. Hahaha

Katie said...


Mary Lampros said...

We saw those at good ole Hershey's last year but couldn't fit one in our suitcase. Tell Tara she is one lucky girl!

emblair said...

WOW! You weren't kidding. When you told me about the "giant" candy bar, I pictured giant. But that one is enormous!!!

Steph said...

Yep, I "hate" you! Ha ha! Also, we had to send it home with Jason on the plane. He carefully took it on as one of his carry on items so it wouldn't melt. It was August, you know!
We love Tara!