Thursday, October 28, 2010

the beaters

The house is quieter. I have more kids in school than at home.
Sometimes it is only Kyra and I at home.
Kyra has seen the benefits of the quiet.
She gets to lick the beaters now.
I never let kids do that before because with five kids and 2 beaters someone wasn't happy.
But I think Kyra is plenty happy now.


Elsha said...

Yummy. Kalena got the lick the frosting spatula yesterday while the baby was napping. She was quite a fan.

Daniel said...

I have not spent nearly enough time with Kyra yet. We need to swap some kids for a while at Thanksgiving.

Daniel said...
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Megs said...

Mmmm, I love me a good beater and I am really tempted to actually like her face. Ha, she might think I am really strange if I did that. Soo cute.

mamafarmer said...

come on mom ..i had to "dip" extra spoons....our cakes were a little

larshannon said...

I've done the spoon dipping before, but they still fight over who actually gets the beater.

emblair said...

Goodness Kyra reminds me of Tara when she was that age...

Stacey said...

adorable picture of Kyra!!

Brimaca said...

Lucky girl!

grammawood said...

Wish your kids could come here and lick my beaters! I sure don't need too.

Amber said...

Wow, sounds like you need to use multiple mixers to share the gooey goodness. I stumbled on to your blog with the help of my hubb, hopefully you don't mind. -Amber Marble