Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ice Cream Smudges

Some of my favorite memories from growing up involve ice cream.

I can remember planning rendezvous with my siblings at 3 am around a container of ice cream. Someone would set their alarm, then wake everyone else, and we would head downstairs to eat the good stuff. We had so many plans for not getting caught like eating from the bottom instead of the top of those rectangle cartons or eating around the window leaving a ice cream container with only a 2 inch column of ice cream.

Funny thing is we always got caught...the next day. My mom would casually mention somehow that she knew what we were up to. We started washing our spoons and putting them back in the drawer, being more quiet, eating less, etc. Still always caught. I asked her about her super power...after I had left home. She said, "Oh that's easy, there were always ice cream smudges on the counter."

After the end of a long day, I treat myself to a bowl of ice cream. It just helps me relax and calm down. I drip on the counter every time. I just leave it there to wipe up in the morning because it reminds me of my mom and my many late night talks with siblings. What better way to start a day than to wipe up ice cream?

P.S. I wrote this while eating mint chocolate chip ice cream. There are 3 different smudges on my counter top for tomorrow morning. Love you Bri, Em, and Dan. And of course Mom. (Don't feel left out Dad. I got my ice cream obsession from you.)


Elsha said...

I am eating mint chocolate chip ice cream right now! With extra chocolate syrup. There would be whipped cream on there too if we had any.

Brian said...

Love you too, sis! We always thought we were so sneaky, only to be foiled by not wiping the counter. Seems so obvious now. Anyways, I had Bluebell Caramel Turtle Cheesecake last night. If you haven't had it yet, you should try it.

Brooke said...

Ice cream memories fill my heart too, but for different reasons. I'm so glad that ice cream brings your heart joy too! :)

Becky Shuler said...

I think it is a SILVER thing! We grew up loving ice cream too! This post made me smile. I love Blue Bell ice cream the most and when it goes on sale, I always try to stock up. I think you Texans introduced it to us, way back when we were kids! Thanks!
Brian, that flavor sounds delicious. I'm gonna have to check that one out!

Daniel said...

I pretty much have my bowl of ice cream every night as well. I have never tried the kind that Brian suggested, but my new favorite is Groom's Cake. Unfortunately it is only a seasonal selection and can be hard to find. I found some the other day so I stocked up on a couple. Love you too, sis.

Megs said...

That is such a cute post and a cute family tradition. You should all get up call each other on a conference call and eat ice cream at 3am. I bet you would love it.

We had a conference call the other morning early in the morning and it was a lot of fun. We even have some fun stories that came from it. Family is the best.

emblair said...

I'd totally forgotten about washing the spoons and putting them back in the drawer! We thought we were soooo sneaky. Darn smudges. :) And mine for the week...classic Rocky Road. Yumm.

Erin said...

That is amazing that you guys got up in the middle of the night! Isn't it nice to be an adult and indulge every night! I am glad I am not the only one.

grammawood said...

You know we Silvers love our ice cream. My favorite right now is Blue Bell's Summer Berries but it is very hard to find. I've only found it in the pint cartons which may be a good thing as I have to ration it very carefully.