Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday Afternoon

What does your Sunday afternoon look like?


emblair said...

At least your shoes are cute :)

Karen S. said...

Just about like that.

Megs said...

I am with Em. Those shoes are fantastic.

Sad thing, Sunday is my least fav day of the week. I am so MEAN on Sunday. I turn into a monster. Then I sit in RS hearing stories about being soft spoken, tender hearted. UGH! Oops that is so not me. I wish it was though. I try next week. Ha!

christina said...

Yes. Exactly like that. Fingers in mouth and everything.

Brooke said...

I agree with Christina. Mine are pretty much exactly like what you showed. Every week. Without fail.

Camilla said...

Today i decided to stay after for ward choir. Im not a good singer but sister mele was begging for anyone to join and i thought i better come one week and then after she saw my three crazy boys she would excuse me with no furthur harrassment to come. my kids happinly played with their sqeaky ballons, ran all over the chapel, climbed on the benches and chairs, and ditracted the singing the entire time. but of course that was not the best moment of my afternoon.. nope it was 3/4 of the way through the choir practice when theo comes bounding into the chapel screaming " mommy i went potty!" at the top of his lungs while he runs up the isle and up the stairs at the front completly nude from the waist down. i was so mortified i didnt look behind me to see the expressions of the people in the choir i just chassed him to the bathroom where i found his clothes strewn about. oh and FYI carashme still wants me to come next week! haha

Elsha said...

That looks a lot like my Sunday afternoons.

Brimaca said...

Our day looks the same.

Steph said...

Yeah, cute shoes!

grammawood said...

Mine's a little different. I have that with 25-30 kids for two hours, but then I get to come home and take a nap. Your day will come.

Mary Lampros said...

Uh huh. Love your shoes!

Carrie said...

Darling shoes. Kyra is still cute even while throwing the standard Sunday fit.