Saturday, September 25, 2010

Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails

This boy loves anything living, breathing, and deemed gross by a traditional girly-girl. Insects, reptiles, and amphibians all hold the promise of scientific discoveries just waiting to be made.

Ian spotted this frog right as the after school bell rang. He begged his teacher to let him out of line to catch the frog. With his wish granted, he became the most popular student on the playground...much to the dismay of a very jealous sibling.

I wonder, did he just get peed on?


Sarah said...

He looks like so much fun! I love the last pic.

emblair said...

I can just hear his pleading with the teacher (in that irresistable scratchy voice) to let him out of line to catch the frong. How can you say no to that?! :)

Brimaca said...

Those pics are awesome!!! Way to catch the moment. I seriously love that kid.

Megs said...

That kid cracks me up. I just love him. Frog and all.