Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Like Sisters

These little ladies are peas in a pod. They spent a lot of time together before Miss Colbie moved to Kazakhstan...still sad about that. Anyway, I don't think Amy and Kyra have realized that Colbie is gone. The other day one of the little girls dumped some toys out and didn't put them away. I asked who did it.

They both answered, "Colbie Did It."

Colbie, wish that was true. Miss your sweet little face around here.


emblair said...

Awwww, that's a "wasn't me" kinda way.

Brimaca said...

Kinda made me teary.

Sarah said...

Awww...I know you miss them.

grammawood said...

Colbie moved to Kazhakistan? Where? Remember our foreign exchange student Alima? That's where she was from.

Steph said...

Awww!!! Too cute!