Thursday, January 6, 2011

Congrats, Grad!

As Jared got up from the dinner table, Amy looked at him with puppy dog eyes and asked, "Do you have to go to school again?" We have all sacrificed to help Jared get through school. I've cut more grass than I would have liked and the kids have told Jared about goals scored at soccer games over the phone instead of in person. It has been a long road, but it is finished.

Two weeks ago Jared and I packed the kids up and made the drive to Lubbock for a very, very special occasion.


Jared really didn't want to go through the hassle of a graduation ceremony, but I overruled him. I thought it was really important for the kids to understand that he was done with school and homework and traveling and such.

Look at that beautiful piece of paper.
MBA, baby!

The graduation ceremony was relatively painless considering I came armed with lots of fruit snacks, new color wonder papers, and an ipod. The last time I was at a graduation, it was Jared's undergrad and I only had a one year old. This time there are a lot more people in the family picture.


emblair said...

Congrats to the whole family. Like you said, it's a sacrafice for everyone in their own little way.

But mega-congrats to Jared....that's no easy feat! Hope you're enjoying study-free days again, bro!

Brimaca said...

Congrats! Are you taking a huge sigh of relief?

Tamara said...

Congrats! ...guess we're next...

Katie said...

Congrats!! Good family photo too...

Sarah said...

Congrats!!! I like the idea of bringing your children to the graduation to show them Jared's accomplishment. Matt's big graduation is in May...I cannot wait! Congrats again!

Becky Shuler said...

We are proud of Jared, and of the whole family being understanding and supporting him through his schoolwork! I hope you guys can enjoy more time together! Congrats! And Laura, maybe you won't have to mow the grass too many more times now...

grammawood said...

Congratulations Jared. We are super proud of you.

Megs said...

Oh my congrats to you all. That is so exciting. I bet he will love that now he gets to see the soccer goal.

Elsha said...

Congratulations to Jared!

Carrie said...

Hurray!!! Congrats!