Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sanity Savers #2

I think potty training is the worst part of parenting. I can say that with confidence because I don't have teenagers. I might change my mind in a few years when I have 5 teenagers at once.

Trick #2
Swim trunks in the car

I keep a pair of swim trunks in the glove box for those unexpected accidents. Sometimes we assume they went before we left the house, or we forgot to pack a change of clothes, or whatever else it happens to be, wah-lah, pull out those swim trunks. Why swim trunks? It's a pair of shorts with underwear sewn in. Think about the convenience of this! One stop accident fixer-upper.

Crisis averted and sanity saved

The most unexpected use of this sanity saver was when Tara was about 5. We were at a park with a pond. Tara and a friend were playing on the dock at the pond trying to lure a timid duck near them. Tara lost her balance and slid bottom first into the very shallow pond. She wasn't in danger but her shorts were wet and dirty. I took her to the car and pulled out our swim trunks. Time makes this memory pleasant, but really Tara was freaking out about wearing pants that were blue AND for boys. Funny she didn't care that the underwear was mesh.

1 comment:

Brimaca said...

I love these! I need all this advice. :)