Thursday, October 22, 2009

Christmas list assembly

Kyra drooled on my shirt then babbled in my ear what she wants for Christmas.

Her 2 front teeth.


Brooke said...

I love me a snaggletooth! :) She's so cute!

Katy said...

Oohh-owie! How cute though that the outer two came in first!

Becky Shuler said...

How cute! Matthew just lost one of his front teeth and is a snaggletooth too! :)

Ally said...

How funny! I love that little button nose. Millie's told middle two just came in. Snaggleteeth are so cute!

Elsha said...

But she's so cute without them!

Sarah said...

Oh, but she is so cute without those 2 front teeth. For her sake though, I hope they come in soon. I am sure it will make eating a lot easier.

Tyson and Steph said...

Laura, I love your posts. You crack me up every time!

emblair said...

Completely adorable!!

Steph said...

Jack-O-Lantern, just in time for Halloween! She is so cute!

Mary Lampros said...

Never knew it could happen in that order! Go Kyra! I was a snaggletooth for a couple of years when Becky killed my two front teeth with the shower door and we found out a little too late that my body clock is a bit slower than everyone else's...