Monday, October 26, 2009

Singing, Dancing, and Nose Picking

My big kids at play

Sunday morning was the annual Primary Program for church. The children ages 3 - 11 provide the "sermon" for the day. The theme for this year is My Eternal Family. It was beautiful to listen to these children speak of their love for family and the gospel.

Tara was asked to sing a solo. She accepted and has spent a month worried about how the performance would go. Sunday morning she was in tears, so the family was trying to reassure her.

I attempted distraction, but I didn't think the whole picture-everyone-in-their-underwear would be helpful. I reminded her that no one would be looking at her because surely some one behind her would be picking their nose or dancing a jig, etc. People would be watching that instead of her. Tara found some solace in this and finally calmed down.

I continued getting ready and heard a conversation between my 3 program participants. "Hey boys will you act crazy during my song?" asked Tara. "I'll pick my nose," offered Eric. "I'm dancing the jig," declared Ian. (They totally have her back.)

Tara sang like an angel.

She was on key, on time, and beautiful to boot.

Eric pretend-picked his nose the ENTIRE program while Ian goofed off, danced, made silly faces and clapped despite repeated admonitions from his teacher to stop. They would NOT let their sister down.

I've never been more proud in my life of goofy, nose-picking boys or beautifully talented girls.


Christina said...

I would have LOVED to see that solo. Not to mention the jig and fake (but probably not fake) nose picking.

Daniel said...

That is probably the best story I've heard in a long time. It's a good lesson for them to learn that they don't have to be older brothers to be there to watch out for their sister.

Steph said...

And THAT is why you had your kids so close together. That brought tears to my eyes. What a blessing it is to have siblings!

Katie said...

ahh, what great brothers!!

The Stringers said...

That is awesome!! They really love their sister! How else could a story about nose picking be so sweet?

Sarah said...

What great brothers! None of mine ever helped me out like that. Haha

Becky Shuler said...

That is the best story ever! I know Tara is proud to have such supportive little brothers!! I bet she sang like an angel!

Karen S. said...

Love it! That is one to bring up at Thanksgiving in 20 years.

Sarah said...

Awww, brothers are the best. My brothers would have done something like that for me too. I just love your little guys are great.

Katy said...

How cute! Glad that they not only had her back during her solo, but also during the whole program! That must have taken a lot of pressure (and eyes) off of her! :)

Megs said...

I totally am the biggest dork but that made me cry. How sweet of her brothers to do that for her, Tell Tara way to go and I wish we could have heard her do it.

emblair said...

Aww, that might be the sweetest story. EVER!

Camilla said...

what suportive brothers! and you know, i actually didnt nottice them beucase I watched her singing instead and was so impressed with her beautiful voice!

Brooke said...

Awww, that just warms my heart. I hope that one day my kids will love each other as much as your kids love each other. "fake" nose picking included.

grammawood said...

Thanks, Laura! You have such a positive way of looking at things. I would have loved to hear Tara's solo. Which song did she sing?

Jules AF said...

haha but most of those stalkers I already knew about! I LOVE hearing about new stalkers. I wasn't sure if you were one of James's family members or something (who probably hate me right now), so I was like, who is this? But welcome. Feel free to stalk. I will most likely stalk you as well.