Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Creamy or Crunchy Peanut Butter?

Making peanut butter sandwiches is tricky.

Tara won't eat a PB&J sandwich if there's jelly on it. If the peanut butter is too thick or missing honey then Eric won't touch it. Ian wants his sandwich to have peanut butter and jelly, but not stuck together. (If you figure that out, let me know.) There is one thing that they all agree on though, the peanut butter has to be creamy.

Imagine my dismay when I got home from the grocery store with crunchy peanut butter.

I'm not about wasting food, so I thought I could trick the kids into eating some peanut butter cookies. Devious, I know. I set the plate of cookies in front of the kids and told them to eat up. They dove in and then stopped, in unison I heard, "Are there nuts in these?"


Megs said...

They are tricky little ones. I will put a piece of a vegetable in a ton of "Yummy" food and Ellie will eat every drop of the food and wiggle out of her mouth the piece of the vegetable that I put in her bite. Go figure she can't talk but she can do that? I don't get it. Your kids remind me so much of mine. I will have to say though that I am a creamy girl as well.

Brooke said...

Why is it the pb&j that they are picky about? Mine too! I used my crunchy PB in no-bake cookies because the oats are already giving it texture and they didn't notice. Good luck! ;) Savannah just started eating PB at all, before she could sniff out a tsp. of PB in anything and wouldn't touch it, crazy!

Brimaca said...

My mom tried stuff like that too. It never worked for her either.

Brian said...

Please send me the cookies!!! I love you PB cookies and it doesn't matter if they are made with creamy or crunchy.

Katy said...

The only thing to stand in the way of kids and cookies is nuts!! I am so glad that someone else has a family where each child eats their pb&j in a different way. One of mine does only pb with no crusts, one does only jelly, and one is still indecisive about if he actually likes the stuff or not!

Anonymous said...

that open faced pb&j thing is a Shannon thing. Blame Linda....Michael only eats his that way! My girls eat pb&j any way, grape jelly, strawberry jelly or honey.

Becky Shuler said...

I don't know how you remember who likes what! That is crazy! I'd eat those cookies in a heartbeat! They look delicious. I'm not picky about peaunt butter I like both creamy and crunchy!

Steph said...

You can drop them off at my house. I don't belive in wasting a perfectly good cookie and I LIKE nuts!

Camilla said...

i find it hugely funny that they dindt want nuts in their peaNUT butter cookies... lol. and cookies made with crunchy pb sound yummy!! you can send them my way!

emblair said...

Mmmmm...I love the nuts. The crunchier the better. Too bad it's so darn hard to actually spread on the bread that I never buy it.