Thursday, September 3, 2009

We survived

Jared's home (safe and sound) from his week long vacation in the Wyoming mountains.

I'm pretty sure he enjoyed his "guy" trip with my dad and brothers,

but he was sore and outta shape.

He got to hike a lot

and see some really pretty things

and funny signs.

We missed him.
The shrieks from the children when Jared got home were nearly deafening.
And Jared LOVED that.


Brooke said...

Yay that he's home!!! Oh, and that he had a good time. So.....when we getting together? :) It's the girls turn now!

Katie said...

Bob leaves on a week and a half long trip next friday. and i'm pretty sure the only shrieks he'll get when he gets home is from me getting crazy! :)

Steph said...

Good to see you both survived! Jason told Jared he was going to DIE because he wasn't prepared! Looks like he was wrong!

Camilla said...

man i miss the mountains and hills and hikes. looks like he had a great time! glad that you and the kiddos survived without him!