Thursday, August 27, 2009

Me, Ian

Do you remember being a kid and having your mom call you by your sister's name or your brother's or even worse the dog? I hated it. I mean how hard is it to get a name right? Well, now that I'm a parent with many children I know it's nearly IMPOSSIBLE. To compensate for my inability to call my children by their correct name, I started asking them, "which kid are you?" after I called them by the wrong name.

I thought it was a good idea and sorta funny.

Then I noticed an interesting side effect. Anytime I have a conversation with Ian it goes like this. "Mom, me, Ian I caught a grandpa grasshopper."


Brooke said...

Awesome! I was an only child and my mom got my name wrong all the time...what does that tell you?!? :) I think your methods are wonderful!

Elsha said...

I don't remember getting called the wrong name very often. Maybe because I was never the one in trouble?

Brimaca said...

Ha ha that's funny!

Steph said...

Ha ha. Sometimes my child will look me in the eye and say, " I am Lauren, not Emily." I actually hesitate. As if they aren't telling the truth?

Steph said...

Take comfort you didn't name them all the same letter. That would cause some confusion!

Sarah said...

LOL...he is just helping you out mom. My mom was always getting us confused too. She would just go down the line until she got to the right name.

emblair said...

Oh, sweet Ian!! He's such and awesome kid!

Bethany said...

That is so funny! My mom always got our names wrong. I even get my kids names wrong and I only have 2!! I love reading your blog. It makes me laugh and realize that there is more humor in life than I see.