Friday, September 4, 2009

Kyra's First Birthday

She's One!

I'm always surprised when it is time to celebrate a 1st birthday. How do they get so big in such a short amount of time? Did you know that Kyra is my only child who has a nickname? Kiki. I actually enjoy calling her that, oh and we also call her angel baby because she is a joy to be around. And Keeks. Wow, she's got a lot of nicknames.

Enough about that, let the festivities begin.


Danielle said...

Happy Birthday! So cute and I love her nicknames! The cake turned out so cute! Great job on short notice.

Sarah said...

Oh my goodness! She is soooo cute and grew up fast. I LOVE her cakes. You did a good job on those. =c) I also love how she tore her's to pieces, that is always the best. Happy Birthday Kyra!

emblair said...

Ah crap! How did I miss her birthday! I can't keep track of things anymore. Some aunt I am, huh. Love the cake, Lar! You're so good at making cute birthday cakes. And I can't believe Kyra is ONE! Man, how time flies...


Katie said...

ahh, happy birthday kyra!

Elsha said...

What a cutie! Happy birthday Kyra!

Rachel said...

That's awesome, she totally dove into that cake! And an adorable cake at that. Happy Birthday Kyra!

The Stringers said...

LOVE that last photo!! It's a keeper.

Delcie said...

One is a great age!! Happy Birthday to your little sweetie!

Katy said...

Happy Birthday Kyra! What a cute cake!!! They do turn one way to fast!!

Dianne said...

That is the best messy face picture! So cute.

Brooke said...

Wow, I can't believe she's a year! I'm thinking I'll get you to do the birthday cakes for me, yours always look so good!

grammawood said...

Love the cake. And the cute baby eating it. And your right, they do grow up too fast! My baby is 21!