Tuesday, September 8, 2009


There are certain things about children that can't be helped...like the fact that they grow up. There are a few things at each stage that I truly miss. Right now I'm hoping Ian will say fray-vorite instead of favorite forever, and if it isn't too much to ask how about pack-pack for backpack too. At least then he'll still be a little boy instead of a big preschooler.

It doesn't look good though.


Elsha said...

Tell them they can't grow up unless I'm there to see it! I miss you all.

Brimaca said...

Don't you wish you would really remember all of it. Not just kind of. But really. I have memories of my kids last year but they are vague. I wish I could remember all their little quirks. Ok. so not all but the funny ones at least!

Megs said...

I love pack pack. Emma use to say grown ups for garments. I loved it and miss it now when she uses the right word. I feel ya.

Tamara said...

Don't lose hope yet! Brent still says fray-vorite! ...among some other interesting variations of words. It could last!

emblair said...

Molly's word I never wanted her to learn correctly was "eshertay" for yesterday. It almost sounded like she was speaking French! But now she does it the right way, and it makes me just a little sad each and every time. I still have pack-pack too though. :)

The Stringers said...

Friggs says pack-pack too! I'll be so sad when it's gone forever...

grammawood said...

Write down those cute little sayings so you don't forget. One of my boys used to say "Boys and Grills" but was it Danny or Tim? Ben wanted to be a "Scub Scout". My granddaughter loved "strawbawdees"

Delcie said...

I just love kidspeak! I really, really miss it!! Hold onto every word. It doesn't last long!