Sunday, September 20, 2009

Tara's Baptism

It's never convenient when there is a death in the family, but when my Nana passed away they scheduled the funeral for the same day that Tara was supposed to get baptized. We talked with Tara and explained that she could still have her baptism, but her Silver family wouldn't be there. She thought for just a minute and with a maturity of someone much older said, "I really want Nana and Papa Bob to be there, but I want to get baptized as soon as possible."

I'm not gonna lie, it made me cry. On Saturday September 12th Tara was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Tara thinks her Dad hung the moon.
She tells me all the time how cool he is
how she wants to be just like him
and is thrilled to death any time they have something in common.

Her siblings were so proud of her

Our family

A bunch of the family came to show their support

These missionaries did a tremendous job of teaching Tara the gospel.
We were grateful for their sacrifice.
They put their lives on hold and pay their own way to teach the gospel for 2 years.

When people choose the right, they have a glow.
Can't you just see it in Tara's eyes?


Delcie said...

Yay, Tara! You're baptism day was awesome! You are such a sweetie! I'm so glad you're in primary with me! You're such a great example to your friends! Thanks for being so strong and happy!

Carrie said...

That is so exciting! Congratulations to Tara for making such an important choice.

Your family is beautiful!

Brooke said...

That's awesome! Congratulations to Tara and your family. She looks so happy!

Katy said...

Ah, congratulations Tara! It is obvious how much that day meant to her!

Becky Shuler said...

This post made me a little teary eyed!! I can see the glow in her face. What a beautiful, precious daughter you have. We love you Tara! (Even though we've never met, your Mom and I were close cousins growing up. We lived in Louisiana and your Mom lived in Texas and we'd spend Thanksgivings and Spring Breaks together.) Anyhow, we are so proud of you. You look so beautiful in white.

Katie said...

what a great family picture! so cute.

Steph said...

It was a very special baptism! Thank you for including us. We love you, Tara!

Elsha said...

Congratulations to Tara! I'm sad we weren't there to see it:(

Dianne said...

I'm so proud of you, Tara! What a beautiful young girl you've become!

Sarah said...

I love what you said about Tara and her Dad. My Daddy is my hero too. =c) She looks so happy in every picture. What a special day for her, congrats.

grammawood said...

We're so proud of you Tara, and yes you do have a special glow. I've been checking for quite a while to see your baptism pictures. I'm glad Nana and Papa Bob and Aunt Emily and Molly could come.

emblair said...

Tara really was glowing! So glad we could make it for the big day. She's such an amazing girl. No wonder I love to spoil her so much!!