Monday, September 21, 2009

Cast Away

Yippee! Wahoo! Yes! Alright!

I think I was the most excited person around the day Eric got his cast off. Not only did we get wonderful news about the status of the break (it's healing quicker than they thought it would), but I no longer have to bathe, buckle, or baby Eric!


Brooke said...

Yay! One more independent child! :)

Steph said...

Whoo hoo! Now you only have to bathe, buckle and baby two!

Sarah said...

I am glad to hear everything is healing well. YAY! for getting the cast off =c)

Becky Shuler said...

yay for Eric! Glad to hear his arm is healing properly and ahead of schedule. I hated wearing bread bags on my arm when I had a annoying!