Thursday, September 17, 2009

Fightin' Words

"Amy you're still a baby. Just a baby who talks." said Ian. He might as well made a your mama joke because that was definitely an insult.

As they wrestled to determine who gets top dog honors, I reflected on that statement. He's right. And I just realized that I've had two babies (with one baby who talks) for the last 6.5 years.


Camilla said...

Porter has been telling Theo latley that he is still a baby because he CANT talk. I guess when you are 4 the biggest insult is to be a baby?

Off topic, i hope that you survived last night, as it seems everyone is a baby when sick, even husbands.please let me know if i can bring anything by for you.

Megs said...

I am waiting for the day that Elsie says that to Ellie. It will happen and then it will be hard to swallow. Who won the match anyway?

Daniel said...

I think Amy was sent to you so Ian would have someone that could stand up to him. I can't wait to see how they get along as they get older...

Brimaca said...

I think about that every time I see you. You have had at least two babies for a looooong time.

Sarah said...

Awww, poor Amy. I know just how she feels. My brothers used to say things to me like that all the time. LOL, you have always had 2 babies,huh? Kyra did just turn one. Is it time for another? LOL