Tuesday, August 18, 2009

TNB revisited

Do you remember my last visit with Teenage Neighbor Boy (TNB)? He and I had another fun visit yesterday.

The kids and I had just gotten home from an afternoon of swimming and I was letting them play in the front while I emptied out the van. I hear an engine rev and yell to the kids to stay out of the road. I live on a double cul-de-sac street, so the only traffic we get is people who 1. live on the street or 2. are lost. Either way you don't see lots of people going very fast.

This car was booking it. Going at least 50mph. I yell at the car to slow down. It hits the cul-de-sac and flips around and tears back down the street. Sheesh. Then about 15 seconds later it is flying back down the street. I yell again for them to watch out. I know they can see the kids outside playing. Then I get a wave from the car. A friendly 'hey how ya doing' wave. Can't they tell I'm perturbed?

30 seconds later TNB is dropped off by his girlfriend, and decides to walk down to visit me.

It is never fun for me to lecture/confront someone, but I felt the need.

Me: TNB, you were going way too fast. Didn't you see my kids outside playing?
TNB: Yeah, that car really moves, huh. But I didn't punch the gas until I was (motioning to a spot .5inches past my driveway) past your drive way.
Me: TNB, you forget that kids don't know how to judge distance and speed. You could kill one of my kids, and I promise you that would ruin your life and mine.
TNG: Yeah, I'd probably go to jail if I hit one of your kids. I'll just speed on that street. (pointing to an adjoining street)

Then I got to listen to a 20 minute run down of all the places he has raced his car and how fast it has gone. I stood there wondering if I was this self absorbed and irresponsible as a teenager?

(Relatives of mine who read this post, please don't answer that question. There are some people around here that I still have fooled)


Elsha said...

We had a couple teenage boys on our cul-de-sac growing up that were the same way. I remember being told by our parents and our neighbors parents that we needed to stay on the driveway SPECIFICALLY because those boys drove so crazy.

Danielle said...

Scary! And I am starting to think that TNB might have a slight crush on you. He was doing some serious bragging and showing off!

Christina said...

Danielle, I concur.

Jaimie said...

I could maybe see the irresponsible part, but you grew out of that ;) But you could never be self-absorbed!! You will be on a pedestal forever for me! :) haha

Megs said...

I am pretty sure that David is the TNB that you are talking about. He use to go fast and the neighbors would freak out about it. He wasn't completely clueless though.

Brooke said...

I'm pretty sure that your TNB is the boyfriend of our TNG. This would explain why we get a speeding car up and down our street and the boyfriend seems to be less interested in the TNG, seems to be always talking about a hot mama on his street... ;)

Just a ranch girl said...

Hey guess what, in a few years one wonderful child that I absolutely adore will probably be the TNB!! Then life will really get exciting!!!! I can hardly wait!!

Steph said...

Do you want my Aunt Jere to come over and fix him up? She has already put my kids in order! He sounds like he needs a good whoopin'.

Steph said...

I swear I saw him tearing down our street, too. I am going to start throwing eggs.

emblair said...

Wow Lar, the consensus seems to be you have quite the admirer! What does Jared think about that?!