Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fun Sucker

I loaded Tara and her 3 best friends into my van and headed out to celebrate her 8th birthday. That sentence doesn't do justice to the amount of work it took to get my other four kids dropped off at two separate babysitters and car seats removed from my van in order to have enough seats for Tara and her friends. I was excited because birthdays are special and it's always fun to listen to the girls talk about life. Except today...

"Hey guys, sorry my mom had to take us instead of my dad," said Tara. "It's ok," replied my only ally, Lauren. "Yeah your mom is kinda a fun sucker," explained Emily. "Hey, I'm taking you to get ice cream and paint pottery. What do you mean I'm a fun sucker?" I ask with my irritation mildly in check. "You know, you suck all the fun out," clarified my darling daughter. "And Dad doesn't?" I question. "No way. He is, like way funner," said Tara. And then before I could stop myself I corrected her. "You mean more fun."


The title has stuck. In fact, the kids called me fun sucker again today when I took away their milk because they thought it was a good idea to spit milk at each other while standing on my newly mopped floor. Yep, I am a fun sucker. Jared tried to get them to call him one too because that's his goal in life--to make the kid's lives miserable, but they refused because they think he is cool.


Elsha said...

I think moms are typically the "fun suckers" because when you're at home you just have that many more fun-sucking opportunities.

Steph said...

I am sorry. So, so sorry!

Steph said...

I think you are way funner. I mean, way more fun.

Julie said...

I'm the fun sucker here too, but I was hoping as the kids got older things might change. This post makes me think otherwise!

Jaimie said...

Just let them spend some time with Dad only when he gets back. They will realize that it's not just you who will keep them in line :) We don't call it fun-sucker at our house, it's enforcer! I like the sound of that better, so from now on I will call you that, and especially in front of your kids! ;)

Katie said...

too funnY!

Tamara said...

First, so funny! I'm going to be right there with you in a few!....actually I think I already am. I always kill the 'fun' when i limit the cookies and restrict him from attempting circus like stunts. Go fun suckers! Here's to saving lives!

Sarah said...

Awww, Laura just by reading your blog I think you are awesome! You do some really fun stuff with your kids. My children would love you. It is funny though how the dads always seem to get that title. I felt that way about my dad too. And I totally see my children loving to be with Matt more than me. LOL I hope you guys still had a good time.

Megs said...

Fun sucker my foot! Have you ever told them the time that you went up to the lake and sunk the suburban. Now come on a fun sucker would never do that. JK.

Your blog is hilarious. Tell your kids to read it. Then tell them to never say that to you again or you will suck the fun out of everything Just watch.

Carrie said...

Ouch! That is harsh! Especially when you've just rearranged your life for a day so that you can take her out for a fun birthday with friends. At least you didn't kick them all out of the car, that would have really sucked all the fun out.

Brooke said...

Oh, dang! Sorry about that, but I kind of think that mom's are meant to be the 'fun suckers' because that means we're being responsible...something about upholding our duties to raise our children to the ripe old age of 18 safely... :)
P.S. I don't think you're a 'fun sucker', I think you're kind of cool, does that count? :)

Brimaca said...

Oh my goodness! I know I am a fun sucker too. Yeah for moms!

The Stringers said...

Dad is the fun guy. Mom is just the chick you buy toilet paper with.

emblair said...

Fun's got a nice ring to it! But don't worry, all of us other fun suckers out here think you're pretty cool. :)

Delcie said...

Oh, Laura! You are missing out on such potential here! They'll be so excited for Jared to take them out, sometimes and you get to stay home so you won't suck the life outta their fun!

I would be all over that!!