Saturday, August 22, 2009

Frugal vs. Cheap

I think I just crossed the line, the line between frugal and cheap.

We don't do allowances. Ok, that is an understatement. To be honest, my children's monetary increase usually occurs when they find a penny in the parking lot of Target.

Tara has been asking to earn money for chores lately, so I've been looking for things she can do that deserve payment...because making your bed doesn't count. Today I made my kids clean out their rooms. You know, throw out treasured pieces of scratch paper and toys with half the pieces missing. It was traumatic.

As a reward for finishing this task the kids wanted to go toy shopping. Eric wanted to buy a GI JOE and Tara wanted a BEANIE BABY. I agreed as long as they used their own money. That's when it hit me. I could totally make this work. I remembered the '$2 off any GI JOE' coupon I had just received in the mail and the $5 Walgreen's rapid reward coupon in my purse. It was like hearing a choir of angels singing.

I simply paid my kids in coupons.


Brooke said...

Awesome! What a great idea...I've been thinking of how my kids could earn money, this might just be the answer! :)

Sarah said...

What a great idea! That's more than my mom ever paid us! The only thing I ever got paid for was mowing the yard, which I had to be at least 8 to do, so before that I was basically penniless. :D

Mardi said...

that's perfect - do you think we'll ever find a babysitter that takes coupons? :)

Cassie said...

You are too funny - i love reading your blog for a good laugh!

Christina said...

genius, laura!

Dianne said...

I love how you think! I'm sooo converting from cash (which seriously rarely happens anyway) to coupons!!

wigglerbug said...

I think you're cheap. I can't imagine where you picked up that skill. Haha.

Katie said...


Sarah said...

I don't think you are cheap. I find you to be very smart. LOL I am sure your children didn't know the difference. The toy is all that matters. LOL

Mary Lampros said...

Hilarious! And it's all the same to them, so it's win-win!

emblair said...

Nice! And whether it's money or a coupon, it's still going to burn a whole in their pocket!!

Becky Shuler said...

We don't do allowance either...I love the coupon idea! Genius! Good for you!

Megs said...

That is hilarious. I won't pay allowance to my kids. I figure I already do. They eat don't they?

Camilla said...

i had this piggy bank with change in it from when i was single. Sometime when porter was 3 he decided it was his, and at the time i just let him have it. Now he always wants money to put in it. Sometimes his grandma or great grandma send him money for his birthday so he can put that in there. Or he finds the random penny on the sidewalk. So the other night i was desperate to get him to sleep... he was up way past bedtime and cory was working late and he kept waking up the little kids. So in a moment of parental desperation i offered him a nickel if he got in the bed and didnt make another sound that night. After he went to sleep i opened his bank and took out a nickel so i could give it to him in the morning. NOthing like paying your kid with his own money!

Bethany said...