Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Day late and a dollar short

I can always tell when I am tired or overworked when I start misplacing my keys. I haven't lost them all week and so I figured I was good, but apparently some things sneak up on you.

I went to the grocery store tonight specifically to buy the Blue Bell ice cream which was on sale for $3.88 per 1/2 gallon. I was a little frustrated when it rang up wrong so I went to talk to the manager. I asked why the ad price wasn't reflected on my receipt. She pulled out the ad and flipped through but it wasn't there. That was when I kindly pointed out that she was looking at tomorrows ad. She looked at me strange. I clarified. "You know the ads change on Wednesday morning and you are looking at the ad for Wednesday instead of Tuesday nights," I explained. "Hon, it is Wednesday," she offered gently. What could I say to that? I came up with, "Oh."

I am so off my game I don't even know what day it is.


The Matthews Family said...

well I hope you still kept the ice cream. It's exactly on days like that when you need ice cream.

Christina said...

so sad! you poor thing.

Brooke said...

I'm so sorry! You needed the ice cream more than anything at that point, hope you got it! We need to get together soon. Maybe let the guys take the 9 kids and we'll go eat some ice cream!

Sarah said...

LOL! Seriously, I never know what day it is. So, you are doing much better than me. =c)

Katy said...

It really must be a rough week...there wasn't even a Monday holiday this week to blame it on! Hope the ice cream was soothing though!!

Jaimie said...

I hear ya sista! My days all run together. There is hope though with school starting, at least there will be a schedule, right? :)

Camilla said...

i would have been so embarrassed! Its hard for me to keep my days strait too, and latley its even worse since cory has tuesday and wed off it makes it feel like the weekend midweek. So saturday rolls around and I think its thursday or something.

emblair said...

Glad to hear I'm not the only person who felt that way last week. :) So did you still buy the ice cream?!