Friday, August 7, 2009

Can I have that in writing?

Hey Jared, remember when we first got the swing set? We set it up in the middle of the night using flashlights. The kids loved it immediately. Then Saturday morning came and you had to mow around it for the first time. You came in the house sweaty and complaining about what a pain it was to mow around. I remember saying something sweet to you, "Man up, hon. It's just a swing set."

I mowed the back yard yesterday (an unfortunate consequence of MBA homework overload). And I'm going to put this in writing and then go eat some humble pie probably with a cherry on top.

You're right.

It is a pain to mow around the swing set.


Megs said...

Never let them see you sweat! Come on Laura woman up and keep those things to yourself. JK

I have to admit, I hate to tell my hubby he is right after I have been so wrong. Good job on being the bigger person.

Jaimie said...

You are super woman! Mowing the lawn on top of all you do! How do you do it all? I need to come follow you around and take notes ;)

That Janie Girl said...

You mowed? I'm impressed.

And humbled that you send me love...thanks for your good thoughts!

Brimaca said...

I've finally caught up on your blog! Poor Eric. And I love the conversations.

emblair said...

It's a pain to mow, period. Swing set or no swing set. Funny how I'd beg for the change to do it as a kid and sometimes even try for twice a week. Guess it doesn't have the same draw now that Dad's not paying me for it. Although I'm sure YOU could swing that somehow! ;)