Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Entrepreneurial Spirit

It's thriving in our house. You know how I know? I witnessed it first hand.

Tara set up the ironing board, collected several toys (most of them belonged to her brothers), and then told her siblings they could purchase the toys from her.

She made $1.76 selling toys to her siblings. Toys they already own.

You know what I thought when I saw the mini thrift store in my living room? "Wow, Tara is just like her Dad."

What is worse Tara selling the toys or the kids buying them?


Danielle said...

That is so funny! I can't believe they would buy their own toys. That makes me laugh.

Mardi said...

Smart girl! I suppose there are advantages to being the oldest.

Katie said...

what a girl! that cracks me up.

Elsha said...

Maybe you should do the selling. Whatever toys get left out at night can be sold back the next day. Only you can sell them for chores. Or peace and quiet.

Steph said...

Elsha is a GENIUS!!!! I like that idea.

Brimaca said...

Elsha is a genius. Great idea! I mean if they'll buy em....

Brooke said...

I also agree with Elsha, if you find them on the floor they get put away until your kids are willing to purchase them back...with money, gifts or may work with whatever Jared leaves out too!

Mel said...

That sounds like something I would have done as the big sister!

emblair said...

Now THAT is a golden ticket idea (if you watch, The Office you'll get it). Sign that girl up now for a business degree!

Megs said...

Wow! She is totally the oldest. Can't you see Brian doing something like that. I know I can see myself doing that. Hey if the kids are gullible to buy it more power to her.