Let's start by saying my poor brother in law got sick as a dog the day after Thanksgiving. Then my niece and nephew followed suit. We made it a day and a half without symptoms, so I assumed we were going to be just fine.
The morning we were supposed to leave, I felt wrong and spent some quality time with the toilet. Jared wanted to stay until everyone felt better, but since it was Sunday morning and with a family of 7 it could take 3 days for everyone to get the nasty bug and get well again, I thought we should hurry up and out run it.
Jared was right...he always is.
We were about 2 hours into our should-be-7-hour-trip-home-turned-into-8.5-hours when Amy lost her lunch (I'll spare you the details). The result was musical carseats. Tara moved to the passenger seat, Eric and his carseat to the second row and I then occupied the vacant seat next to Amy. Let me tell you that if you have been vomiting and trying to feel better the best thing you can do is sit in the way back of a mini van next to a toddler who is covered in her own vomit. Yep, guaranteed to help you feel better in a hurry!
Out running the bug just meant that Tara, Amy, Eric, Kyra and I all got to vomit on the side of the road or into gallon sized ziplocks. We packed a lot and used all but one.
It is amazing what can be funny in hindsight. Like Jared trying to cover his ears while driving with his elbows whenever heaving noises were made. I'm surprised, really, that he didn't get sick. Throw-up and Jared DON'T mix.
Ian didn't get sick. He has a stomach of steal. You have to have a tough stomach if you choose to drink from puddles, which he does. He doesn't like being in such close proximity to others whose stomachs are less durable, though. "I don't want to sit by anyone who is throwing up," he begged. Let's see, 7 seats, 5 vomiters, sorry kid. Not gonna happen. I was thinking, "If you figure out that car seat configuration you are guaranteed a spot in Mensa International."
The best learning experience is awarded to Jared for the following scenario.
When we finally got home and everyone was bathed (except me...Moms don't get that luxury until all is done), I sat down on the couch to feed a hungry Kyra. Amy walked up to us and vomited. I wasn't prepared for that, so I caught it in my hands. Yep, it's gross but that's what moms do. We catch throw up in our hands so we don't have to clean the carpet, couch, kid, baby, etc. With my hands full and dripping half eaten food, I yelled for Jared to get me a bowl.
He did.
Quickly too I might add.
Quickly too I might add.
However, he brought me the popcorn bowl. It is the only bowl in the house that has cracks all through the plastic. It doesn't matter with popcorn. It DOES matter with vomit. So, now I have hands covered in the vomit residue that didn't fall into the bowl, a bowl leaking vomit, a newborn covered in vomit, an 18mos old vomiting, and a 3 yr old hovering. Yikes! It might have been better in the car. At least there I had ziplocks to do the catching. My hands would have been clean and the bags didn't leak. Yuck.
Everything worked out. Amy, the carpet, Kyra, and I all got cleaned. In that order too, I think. And Jared now knows that the popcorn bowl isn't water tight. Good info to have at random moments in life!
AAAhhhh. I am so glad I was not in that car. Malachi has thing for up-chucking so we have lost the luxury of being disgusted by it. However, I can't imagine the smell of your car!
Wow. Sounds like the worst car ride ever.
There is nothing more gross in life. I swear. Hope it goes away quickly. We had a small little bout (1 child only) a couple of weeks ago and the amount of laundry with that alone....wow. Good luck!
I know what you mean about catching vomit in your hands. I did the same thing with Brooklyn a year ago because I didn't want her to stain her new shirt!
Sounds like our fabulous trip to Seattle. It will go down in Snow history as one of the most memorable trips we have taken. Not a good memory but most remembered. YUCK! I am getting nauseous just thinking about it.
I am so sorry you had to experience that. I only had two throwing up. Our car has never been the same. Hope you are all feeling better.
Again, sooooooooo sorry. Love you!
Aw, I was so jealous that your family was all getting together for Thanksgiving. Reminds me of our Silver Family Reunion when Carol's kids were all sick at the reunion, but the rest of us, barfed all the way home. Mary threw up on Becky and her sleeping bag in the freezing Grand Mesa Campground, so we headed out ahead of you all.
And then, remember the Thanksgiving when you had a high fever and got only chicken noodle soup for dinner? Unfortunately, such is life.
I hope you are all feeling better soon.
Now someday you can say things like, "Don't talk to me that way. I have caught your vomit. Literally. This is how much I love you." Nice. Thanks for always making me laugh.
I can't imagine the smell of all that vomit in your van on the way home...I have a very sensitive nose for smells and that alone would have driven me nuts! I hope your van will be okay. Use lots of Frabreeze and roll the windows down and let it air out. I hope everyone is feeling better.
that's so funny laura!! i'm glad it was you and not me though! ;)
I know very few people with the lack of inhibition necessary to share such experiences on their blog. Thank you for a good laugh...BLEGH!!!
Ho.Ly. COW!
Our entire family of four got the bug, some of us twice. But not all in a car, at the same time. Bless your heart. I tried to get Jacob to throw up in a Halloween candy cauldron, but, confused, all he could say was "trick or treat."
yuck. 'nuff said.
How could you have possibly lived one of my worst nightmares? I HATE vomit. I try to avoid it at all costs.
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