Monday, December 8, 2008

Carseats, what a pain!

We tried to move Ian out of the five point carseat and into a booster. It was ok, until today.

It was time to get the big kids from school. I parked across the street and crossed over to get Eric and Tara. I left Ian, Amy, and Kyra locked in the car. It seemed like a good idea at the time.

I found Eric and was asking about his day when Tara walked up. I looked away from Eric to welcome Tara. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my van.

The door was opened.

That is BAD. Very, very BAD. I grabbed both of the big kids' hands and literally made a run for it. The crossing guard probably thinks I'm crazy. I got to the car just as Ian was climbing back in and over the passenger seat. Anyone nearby would have heard...


No real damage, just about 200 sticker burrs that Ian tracked in. It only took about 15 minutes on my hands and knees plucking stickers. Oh, and we were the last car to leave the elementary pickup area...go figure!

So that is why Ian is back in a carseat.


Steph said...

How is it that Ian can find the sticker patch in 2.2 seconds, manage to collect all of them, make it back to the van and deposit them on the carpet? Man, he is talented!
Only Ian...

Ally said...

We just spent an hour listening to the correct car seat installation and safety at our childbirth class. Did you know that 97% of car seats are installed incorrectly? (I rolled my eyes, too.) I can share the literature I got with you, if you'd like. However, it doesn't say anything about little boys who unbuckle themselves...

Carrie said...

Someday Ian will be the father of rascally, mischievous triplet boys and life will come full circle.

emblair said...

He really is going to be the next great Houdini...

Brimaca said...

I like all of the above comments and can't come up with anything more I leave it to them.