Thursday, November 13, 2008

Pick up your stuff!

I stepped on another die-cast airplane. It hurt. It bled. A lot. Band-aids don't stick to the bottom of your foot.

I can't count the number of times I have asked the kids to pick up toys so I don't have to navigate a mine field every night.

It made me think about whether or not there are things of mine that I can't seem to remember to put away. Yep, here it is...

8 pairs of shoes! They were all in the shoe basket in the living room. No wonder it was full.


Megs said...

Come on Mom...teach by example. JK. You remind me of Jeron. He leaves his shoes all over our house.

I hate hate hate stepping on things especially in the middle of the night. I ran into an open door last night. FUN Times.

Megs said...

By the way I hadn't see all your post below the Amy Escape so I went and commented on them. Tell Tara I am so proud of her.

emblair said...

Haha...kinda funny!

lori frerman said...

At least they were in a basket!

Brimaca said...

At least they were in the basket! I'm impressed.